
Today one of my chaplains serving in a big city was asked to talk to a young man who is struggling with alcohol addiction. He is 3 months into AA. His wife left him with his newborn baby due to his addiction. A fellow employee referred the chaplain to him and the chaplain was able to share the Gospel with him using The Salvation Poem. He had heard the Gospel but had not fully understood it, and the Poem brought all the pieces together for him. Once again, thank you, for The Salvation Poem!


“My girls (13 & 10) went with me on a missions trip to Honduras. Macey, my oldest, was asked to do the salvation message/prayer for our afternoon VBS. She looked a little worried about what to say, and the light bulb went off for me and I said – just use the salvation poem. I saw her face light up and she said, oh yeah! Lol – she has it memorized from kid’s church and was able to use it to communicate the gospel and lead kids in prayer. It was so cool

Lisa K.

“After sending a gift to Praise FM, a stack of TSP cards arrived at my home as part of a thank you. My dear daughter, a quiet 6 year adoptee from China, took it off to her room. The next day she said, “Guess what, Mom! I memorized the card!” I was confused. “What card?” She tried to explain it to me but I just wasn’t remembering it. So she went to get the poem card and showed it to me. Although my daughter had often heard the gospel at home and in church, she was never able to articulate it. And now she was calling these words her own, since she had memorized them.

“However, I wanted to be sure she hadn’t simply memorized the words with her mind. After all, this little one had already demonstrated her surprising ability to memorize. I also wanted to be certain she held these words in her heart. After a brief discussion she assured me that she had, indeed, asked Jesus into her heart. She just needed the clarity and simplicity to put it into words.

“This little tool undoubtedly became the means to cement my daughter’s faith, giving her the words that she felt in her heart and could now articulate for herself. As a mom I had no doubt, this was the day her salvation was sealed. Thank you for providing the simple little key to unlock her faith!”

Carrie G.

“My wife and I frequent a local restaurant where I make a point of presenting our servers with a Salvation Poem pen as a ‘thank you.’ The pens are high quality and have become highly valued among the servers. Recently several servers were congregated and watching as I gave away a pen to a new server. At that moment many servers who were watching on held up their pens in unison as a silent ‘thank you.’ I pray the salvation message from the pens becomes written on the heart of each server and I praise the Lord for that unforgettable experience.”

Paul H., Alabama

“Our church has used The Salvation Poem to lead many people to salvation in Christ through prayer. We teach children the poem in our Centershot program and share the poem at our wild game dinners. Children who have memorized the poem remember it for years!”

Michael R.

“I received a Salvation Poem card in the mail last week from Samaritan’s Purse in a donation acknowledgement. I thought it was neat and laid it on my counter, not knowing exactly what I would do with it. Several days later, I was at work (I’m an physician) and had an unusual 30 minute break without patients. My office manager (who I had been witnessing to and praying would come to Christ for the past 5 years), with tears in her eyes, came to my door and asks if I can tell her about becoming a Christian! I shared with her the gospel message and she prayed to receive Christ right in my office! I told her I had a card for her at home that she could keep to remind her of her decision and the truth of the gospel. (I wish I had had it with me!) I brought the card to her the next day and she immediately took it from me and signed her name and date of salvation. She was so excited to have this reminder of her decision and new life in Christ! She proceeded to show it to everyone that day and she carries it with her credit cards!

“I think this is a great witnessing tool! I have been in a study group at my church the past 8 weeks. I’ve been amazed at how timid even mature believers are at sharing their faith, and how scared and unsure they are in presenting the salvation steps. Keeping one of these cards in the wallet of every believer would help to alleviate their fears and anxiety in presenting the gospel easily. I think we know the gospel message, it’s just that most believers “freeze up” with fear that they won’t remember the right things or somehow will mess up! The gospel message is simple, and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, these cards can bring victory over the fear of sharing our faith. Thank God from whom all blessings flow!”

Denise S.

Have you used The Salvation Poem to help share your faith? Did God use the poem to change your own life? Tell us about it!